Awesome Kubernetes Tools
takes a Kubernetes audit log and username as input, and generates RBAC role and binding objects that cover all the API requests made by that user.
kubectl short resource names
List of short names for Kubernetes resources created by Akhil Sharma
Resource Name | Short Name |
componentstatuses | cs |
configmaps | cm |
endpoints | ep |
events | ev |
limitranges | limits |
namespaces | ns |
nodes | no |
persistentvolumeclaims | pvc |
persistentvolumes | pv |
pods | po |
replicationcontrollers | rc |
resourcequotas | quota |
serviceaccounts | sa |
services | svc |
customresourcedefinitions | crd,crds |
daemonsets | ds |
deployments | deploy |
replicasets | rs |
statefulsets | sts |
horizontalpodautoscalers | hpa |
cronjobs | cj |
certificiaterequests | cr,crs |
certificates | cert,certs |
certificatesigningrequests | csr |
ingresses | ing |
networkpolicies | netpol |
podsecuritypolicies | psp |
replicasets | rs |
scheduledscalers | ss |
priorityclasses | pc |
storageclasses | sc |