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Best cleaning tips

· 3 min read
Professional Home Owner

Words of wisdom

Put on good upbeat music or a good TV show while you do it.

Don't think you have to "do it all at once". If you only have 5 minutes, do one thing. And that's fine. It's one less thing to do.

Don't overthink it. You mostly don't need anything special. Honesty, warm water and dish soap can clean 80% of your house.

Room Routines


I usually keep a pack of biodegradable wipes in each bathroom and one in the kitchen. Easy to do a quick sink clean after (or while) I am brushing my teeth.


Wipe Down Cycle
  1. Put warm water in the sink. Don't overfill, but enough to dunk a rag.
  2. Put a teaspoon of good dish soap in it and swish around.
  3. Get a clean cloth. Wet it with soapy water, squeeze out excess water and wipe down the counters.
  4. Dunk, squeeze, wipe down the stove, rinse, and wipe the extractor fan.
  5. Dunk, squeeze, and wipe cupboard fronts, handles, and fridge door.
  6. Dunk, squeeze, wipe backsplash. Then, use the same cloth to wipe the sink handle and wash the sink
  7. Then drain the soapy water, rinse the cloth with clean water, and rinse the sink.
  8. Hang the cloth somewhere to dry well (balcony etc.).
  9. Finish by wiping the sink dry.



Don't use the cloth you cleaned the toilet with to clean your sink 🤢. This cloth you put straight into the wash, don't re-use!

Using the bathroom sink, you can follow the same formula as in the kitchen. But always do sink first, then shower/bath and toilet last.

Bathroom limescale

If you have limescale in the bathroom, you get "Kalk Reiniger", which works well.

Lounges, Bedrooms, Dining

A dry dust rag or duster on surfaces, then a good vacuum of floor and fabrics. And you should be good to go.

Reduce the need to mop

If you sweep (or vacuum) every day or 2nd day, then mopping once a week is fine. It would obviously be more if you have a pet or if it is wet and you are trekking muddy shoes through the place. But I'd say once a week is sufficient.

Wood or Laminate Floors

If you have wood or laminate floor, don't over-wet it. Instead, just use a damp cloth. Otherwise, the floor could be permanently damaged.